DFlow Studios Malaga
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DFlow Studios is the location of our Feldenkrais training program in Malaga/Andalusia, a dance studio located a little outside of central Malaga, in a more industrial area.
The environment offers various possibilities to sit outdoors in green areas during breaks and also to enjoy a coffee or a restaurant for the slightly longer lunch breaks.
Dflow offers several activities and stands out for its dance courses and workshops, including competition groups, which are attended by students from different countries.
We will use DFlow’s large dance studio, with plenty of space on the floor and some natural light coming in through the windows.
DFlow Studios
Calle la Bohème 4
29006 Málaga
Hébergement possible, ce qui peut être nécessaire pendant le séminaire ou la formation. Si vous avez besoin de plus d’aide, contactez-nous
Hotel Romerito
Calle Espacio 50
29006 Málaga
(+34) 952363548
(+34 ) 679987301
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Avis juridique
L'information fournie ici pourrait ne pas être à jour. Veuillez contacter directement l'hôtel concerné.
Nous vous encourageons également à aider les autres étudiants en proposant un espace si vous en avez un ou, si vous connaissez des personnes offrant des chambres privées, informez-en. Merci !